selected publications
- Sarbanes-Oxley: What It Means to the Marketplace.. Journal of Accountancy. 197:43-47. 2004
- Internal Reflection.. Internal Auditor. 59:56-63. 2002
- The Fair Credit Reporting Act: Time to Mind the Details.. Internal Auditor. 58:50-55. 2001
- Accounting.. CPA Journal. 70:69. 2000
- Quality Financial Reporting: Back to the Basics.. CPA Journal. 70:69-71. 2000
- The CPA as Sleuth: Working the Fraud Beat.. Journal of Accountancy. 187:20-23. 1999
- The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations.. CPA Journal. 69:26-31. 1999
- Fraud Hotlines.. Internal Auditor. 51:36-42. 1994
- Computer Fraud Auditing: It Works.. Internal. Auditor:ternal Aud. 1990
- How are Internal Auditing Departments Dealing with IIA Standard No. 3 and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations?