selected publications
- Adaptie Eye-Hand Coordination: Implications of Prism Adaptation for Perceptual-Motor Organization. Advances in Psychology. 85:105-128.
- Adaptive Coordination and Alignment of Eye and Hand. Journal of Motor Behavior. 25:75-88.
- Adaptive Mechanisms in Perceptual-Motor Coordination: Components of Prism Adaptation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 20:242-254.
- Adaptive Spacial Alignment and Strategic Perceptual-Motor Control. Journal of Experimental Psychology/ Human Perception & Performance. 22:379-395.
- Applications of Prism Adaptation: A Tutorial in Theory and Method. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 29:431-444.
- Attention and Prism Adaptation. Cognitive Psychology. 17:1-25.
- Calibration and Alignment are Separable: Evidence From Prism Adaptation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 33:401-413.
- Cognitive Interference in Prism Adaptation. Perception & Psychophyics. 37:225-230.
- Components of Displacement Adaptation in Acquisition and Decay as a Function of Hand and Hall Exposure. Perception and Psychophysics. 20:453-459.
- Components of Prism Adaptation in Terminal and Concurrent Exposure: Organization of the Eye and Coordination Loop. Perception & Psychophysics. 44:59-68.
- Dual Prism Adaptation: Calibration or Alignment?. Journal of Motor Behavior. 35:399-408.
- Effects of Movement Duration and Visual Feedback on Visual and Proprioceptive Components of Prism Adaptation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 26:257-266.
- Effects of Pointing Rate and Availability of Visual Feedback on Visual and Proprioceptive Components of Prism Adaptation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 24:226-237.
- Effects of Prism Adaptation of Duration and Timing of Visual Feedback During Pointing. Journal of Motor Behavior. 22:209-224.
- First-Trial Adapation to Prism Exposure. Journal of Motor Behavior. 35:229-245.
- First-Trial Adaptation to Prism Exposure: Artifact of Visual Capture. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36:291-304.
- Generalization of Prism Adapation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 32:1006-1023.
- Generalization of Prism Adaptation. Journal of Experimental Psychology/Human Perception & Performance. 32:1006-1022.
- Head Postur Effects in Prism Adaptation During Hallway Exposure. Perception & Psychophysics. 44:69-75.
- Penomenal Versus Process Explanation of Prism Aftereffects. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30:44-51.
- Perceptual-Motor Coordination and Adaptation During Locomotion: Determinants of Prism Adaptation in Hall Exposure. Perception & Psychophysics. 38:320-330.
- Perceptual-Motor Coordination and Prism Adaptation During Locomotion: A Control for Head Posture Contibutions. Perception & Psychophyics. 42:269-274.
- Phenomenal Versus Process Explanations of Prism Aftereffects. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30:44-50.
- Prism Adaptation During Target Pointing From Visible and Nonvisible Starting Locations. Journal of Motor Behavior. 29:119-130.
- Prism Adaptation During Target Pointing from Visible and.... Journal of Motor Behavior. 29:119-131.
- Prism Adaptation and Unilateral Neglect: Review and Analysis. Neuropsychologia. 44:1-20.
- Prism Exposure Aftereffects and Direct Effects for Different Movement and Feedback Times. Journal of Motor Behavior. 32:83-99.
- Sources of Overadditivity in Prism Adaptation. Perception & Psychophysics. 24:58-62.
- Strategic Calibation and Spatial Alignment: A Model From Prism Adaptation. Journal of Motor Behavior. 34:126-139.
- Adaptive Spatial Alignment. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1997