selected publications
- Influence of Supplemental Inorganic Nutrients on Growth, Survivorship, and Mycorrhizal Relationships of Schizachyrium Scoparium (Poaceae) Grown in Fumigated and Unfumigated Soil.. American Journal of Botany. 79:406-414. 1992
- Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Ecology of Little Bluestem Across a Prarie-Forest Gradient.. Canadian Journal of Botany. 67:2678-2685. 1989
- 'Variation in Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Relationships of two Sand Prarie Species.. American Midland Naturalist. no.1:56-63. 1987
- Occurrence of Fungal-inhibiting Pseudomonas on Caryopses of Tripsacum Dactyloides L. and its Implication for Seed Survival and Agricultural Application.. The Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 61:195-199. 1986
- Interaction of Vascular Plants and Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Across a Soil Moisture-Nutrient Gradient.. Oecologia. 64:111-117. 1984
- Spatial Variation in Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhiza Spore Density.. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 10:519-525. 1983
- Inhibition of Selected Fungi by Bacterial Isolates from Tripsacum Dactyloides L.. Plant and Soil. 56:149-152. 1980