publication venue for
- Cooperative Behavior Management: Strategies for Promoting a Positive Classroom Environment.. 27:3-12. 1992
- Mathematics Instruction for Individuals with Mental Retardation: A Perspective and Research Synthesis.. 26:115. 1991
- Competitive Employment: Utilizing the Correspondence Training Paradigm to Enhance Productivity.. 19:268-275. 1984
- Analyzing the Relationship Between Acknowledgment and Compliance in a Nonsheltered Work Setting.. 17:202-208. 1982
- Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped: A Bicentennial Review. 12:226-234. 1977
- Pre-Student Teaching Practicum with Exceptional Children: A Program Description. 9:152-157. 1974
- A Summer Institute for Prospective Teachers of the Trainable Mentally Retarded. 6:108-113. 1971
- Educational Materials; Instructional Materials: Designed for the Deaf, Applied to the Educable Mentally Retarded. 4:124-130. 1969
- Evaluating the Student Teaching Process in Special Education. 8:38-43.
- Imitating Children During Imitation Training: Two Experimental Paradigms. 11:324-332.
- Toward a Noncategorial Approach: Suggested Coursework for Teachers of the Retarded. 11:73-76.