publication venue for
- Conflict Management with Friends and Romantic Partners: The Role of Attachment and Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies. 28:523-544.
- Conflict Resolution Styles in Family Subsystems and Adolescent Romantic Relationships. 27:735-753.
- Coping in Adolescence: Empirical Evidence for a Theoretically Based Approach to Assessing Coping. 23:359-372.
- Family and Individual Predictors of Late Adolescents' Romantic Relationsihps. 31:197-207.
- JAdolescent Stressors, Coping Strategies, and Psychological Health. 29:15-44.
- Middle and Late Adolescents' Conflict Resolution Skills with Siblings: Associations with Interparental and Parent-Adolescent Conflict Resolution. 29:697-712.
- The Adjustment of Adolescents During the Transition into High School: A Short-term Longitudinal.... 28:1-27.
- The Association Between Divorce and Late Adolescent Grandchildren's Relations with Grandparents. 22:513-530.