publication venue for
- The K-ABC and Cognitive Processing Styles in Autistic Children.. 30:259-67. 1992
- A Comparison of Methods for Calculating a Severe Discrepancy.. 26:359-369. 1988
- A survey of mentoring experiences in school psychology.. 26:213-224. 1988
- An Essay on Becoming a School Psychologist When School Psychology Was Becoming.. 23:1-12. 1985
- Dissertation Research in School Psychology, 1978-1980.. 22:73-82. 1984
- A comparison of the WISC and WISC-R for black, white and latino referred children.. 16:110-125. 1978
- Follow-up In Classroom Behavior Modification: Survey and Discussion. 15:343-347. 1977
- Effects of Peer Reporting on Cooperative Play and Aggression of Kindergarten Children. 14:307-313. 1976
- Bringing in the Sheaves: Observations on Harvesting Behavior Change in the Field. 10:263-268. 1972
- The Relative Effects of the Frosting Program, Corrective Reading Instruction, and Attention Upon the Reading Skills of Corrective Readers With Visual Perceptual Difficiencies.. 10:387-95. 1972
- Statistically Significant Differences between Subtest Scaled Scores for the WPPSI. 7:16-19. 1968/1969
- Perceived Effectiveness of School Psychological Services: A Comparative Study. 17:347-353.