publication venue for
- But Who Will Listen?. 62:110-3. 1978
- Limits of Contracting. 62:13-19. 1978
- John Dewey's Philosophy as a Blueprint for the Future.. 40:387-94. 1977
- Creating and Prescribing Learning Alternatives in an Individualized Program.. 60:134-40. 1976
- Individualizing Curriculum and Instruction-- A Point of View.. 60:105-10. 1976
- Middle Schools: Dreams and Realities.. 53:145-50. 1969
- Devices and Instruments for Use in High School Reading Instruction.. 39,:227-32. 1956
- Evolution of Music Education in North Carolina.. 24:249-52. 1941
- A Second Look at Direct Instruction. 64:166-169.
- Community Involvement in a Systems Approach to Curriculum. 56:167-173.