publication venue for
- Physiological Hyperarousal: Construct Validity of a Central Aspect of the Tripartite Model of Depression and Anxiety. 108:290-299. 199
- The Hysteria and Psychasthenia Constructs as an Alternative to Manifest Anxiety and Conflict-Free Ego Functions.. 74:79-85. 1969
- Preliminary Report of the Extinction of Learned Fears via Short-Term Implosive Therapy. 72:106-109. 1967
- Generalized Expectancy for Negative Mood Reulation Scale. 102:327-330.
- Independent Dimensions of Hyperactivity and Aggression: A Validation with Playroom Observation Data. 91:183-198.
- Mood Regulation Expectancies, Anxiety Sensitivity, and Emotional Distress. 102:327-331.
- Social Communication Patterns of Attention-Deficit-Disordered Boys. 16:69-81.
- Tripartite Structure of Positive and Negative Affect, Depression, and Anxiety in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients. 105:401-410.