publication venue for
- Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors and School-Based Sexually Transmitted Infection/HIV Prevention. 45:39-51. 2008
- Psychometric Data for Teacher Judgments Regarding the Learning Behaviors of Primary Grade Children.. 39:235-44. 2002
- Student Violence and the Moral Dimensions of Education. 38:249-258. 2001
- Conduct Disorder and Comorbidity. 36:41-50. 1999
- Assisting Children and Families Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices: Best Practices for School Psychologists.. 34:337-346. 1997
- Grade Retention Among Students with Learning Disabilities. 33:285. 1996
- Assessing the severity of behavior disorders: Rankings based on clinical and empirical criteria.. 32:77-85. 1995
- Effects of simple and regressed discrepancy models and cutoffs on severe discrepancy determination.. 32:93. 1995
- Discrepant team decisions: The effects of race, gender, achievement, and IQ on LD eligibility.. 31:40. 1994
- Curriculum-based measurement conceptual and psychometric considerations.. 30:241. 1993
- Social Maladjustment and Emotional Disturbance: Problems and Positions I.. 29:131-140. 1992
- Teachers as Detectors of Learning Disability. 29:28-35. 1992
- Continuity in Special Education Placements: Are Reevaluations Really Necessary?. 28:317-324. 1991
- Obsessive-Compuslive Disorder: The Secretive Syndrome.. 28:106-115. 1991
- A Survey of School Psychologists' Perspectives and Practices with Childhood Depression.. 27:57-63. 1990
- Assessing Severity in Behavior Disorders: Empirically Based Criteria.. 27:5-15. 1990
- Assessment of Severe Emotional Impairment: Practices and Problems.. 26:154-162. 1989
- Diagnostic Utility of the K-ABC and WISC-R/PIAT in Determining Severe Discrepancy.. 24:309-315. 1987
- Differentiating emotionally impaired from socially maladjusted students. 24:237-243. 1987
- Sex Bias in the Diagnosis of Learning Disabled Students.. 23:44-52. 1986
- The Use of Standard Scores in Diagnosing Learning Disabilities: A Critique. 23:380-381. 1986
- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Childhood Depression.. 22:908-322. 1985
- Childhood Depression: Diagnostic Considerations.. 21:181-197. 1984
- Remediation of impulsivity in learning disabled children by special education resource teachers using verbal self-instruction.. 21:252-254. 1984
- Intellectual Assessment of Hispanic Children.. 19:61-71. 1982
- Interclinician agreement and bias in school psychologists' diagnostic and treatment recommendations for a learning disabled child.. 19:319-327. 1982
- Piagetian assessment measures revisited: issues and applications.. 19:421-430. 1982
- Effect of Prearrangement of Testing on Anxiety and Performance of Second- and Sixth-Grade Boys. 9:75-78. 1972
- Conduct disorder: Developmental considerations.. 34:253-265.
- School-Based Health Centers: Opportunities and Challenges for School Psychologists. 40:253-267.
- WISC-R Patterns of Emotionally Impaired and Diagnostic Utility.. 20:406-414.