publication venue for
- Likelihood to Sexually Harass Scale. 20:163-169.
- Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies, Emotional Distress, and Examination Performance. 22:1023-1059.
- On Attributing Negative Motive to Others Who Disagree With Our Opinions. 31:1498-1510.
- On Attributing Negative Motives to Others Who Disagree Wtih Our Opinions. 31:1498-1510.
- Perspective and Prejudice: Antecedents and Mediating Mechanisms. 30:1537-1549.
- Sexual Cognition Processes in Men High inthe Likelihood to Sexually Harass. 20:163-169.
- Sweet Talk: The Importance of Perceived Communication for Romantic and Friendship Attraction Experienced During a Get-acquainted Date. 20:391.
- The Influence of Different Encoding Sets Upon the Formation of Illusory Correlations and Group Impressions. 12:216-226.