publication venue for
- Williams's Sand. 63:173-176. 2005
- Hughes's Soul Gone Home. 61:164-166. 2003
- Williams's The Demolition Downtown. 62:39-41. 2003
- Greene's 'The Destructors'. 58:158-161. 2000
- Williams's The Frosted Glass Coffin. 59:44-46. 2000
- Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors. 56:5-7. 1997
- Mann's Still Life. 48:61-64. 1989
- Rabe's Streamers. 45:63-64. 1986
- Shakespeare's Sonnet 20. 45:10-11. 1986
- Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, I. ii. 34-101. 40:12-13. 1982
- Milton's Samson Agonistes, 393-412. 30. 1972
- Frost's 'The Wood Pile'. 18. 1960
- OTHELLO I.i.8-17; 35-40. 38:38-39.
- Parks's In The Blood. 64:253-255.
- Williams's The Municipal Abattoir. 64:108-111.
- Williams's a Streetcar Named Desire. 66:34-37.