publication venue for
- Experiencing Nearby Locations Together in Time: The Role of Spatiotemporal Contiguity in Children's Memory for Location.. 82:200-225. 2002
- Semantic Memory Verification of Binary Statements by Children at Three Academic Levels. 22:143-154. 1976
- Verbal Rehearsal and Selective Attention in Children with Learning Disabilities. 22:375-385. 1976
- Developmental Trends in Recall of Central and Incidental Auditory Materia. 17:409-421. 1974
- Children's Affective Responses, Cognitive Appraisals, and Coping Strategies in Response to the Negative Affect of Parents and Peers. 67:39-57.
- Children's Affective Responses, Cognitive Appraisals, and coping Strategies in Response to the Negative Affect of Parents and Peers. 67:39-57.
- Semantic Memory Verification of Binary Statements by Children at Three Academic Levels. 22:143-154.