publication venue for
- Conditions Relating to the Treatment of Employees and Laborers Imposed by the City of Paris Upon the Company to Which the Metropolitan Road Was Leased. 5:826-28. 6
- The Origin of the Land Grant Act of 1862 and Some Account of Its Author, Jonathan B. Turner. 17:406-407. 3
- Training Youth for New Social Order.. 40. 3
- Immortalizing the Self Through Sport. 91:1088-1111. 1986
- Methodological and Operational Problems. 80:987-990. 1975
- Guttman Scaling Centers of the Conservative Radicalism Battery. 58. 1952
- The Development of Meaning Vocabularies in Reading: An Experimental Study.. 44. 1938-39
- Training Youth for the New Social Order.. 40. 1934-35
- The Reading Interests and Habits of Adults.. 35. 1929-30
- City Administration in Germany.. 7:9-52. 1901
- City-Administration in Germany.. 7. 1901
- City Council of Berlin.. 6:07-15. 1900
- Street Railway Employees in Paris.. 5:26-8. 1900
- Street Railway Employes in Paris.. 5. 1900
- The City Council of Berlin.. 6:407-15. 1900
- The Social Mind and Education.. 4:9-102. 1898
- Sociology & Pedagogy.. 1:53-8. 1895
- The Relation of Sociology and Pedagogy.. 1:353-58. 1895
- City Administration in Germany.. 7:29-52. 1
- Death Work: A Study of the Modern Execution Process (Book Review).. 96:1059-1060.
- The Preindustrial Family in America: A Further Examination of Early Magazines. 79:566-588.