publication venue for
- Power in the Classroom IV: Alternatives to Discipline.. 8:724-746. 1984
- Communication Activity as a Predictor of the Fit Between Worker Motivation and Worker Productivity.. 5:473-503. 1982
- Job Satisfaction as a Function of Employees' Communication Apprehension, Self-Esteem, and Perceptions of Their Immediate Supervisors. 1:363-375. 1978
- Management Communication Style, Tolerance for Disagreement, and Innovativeness as Predictors of Employee Satisfaction: A Comparison of Single-Factor, Two-Factor, and Multiple-Factor Approaches. 3:359-373.
- Oral Communication Apprehension: A Reconceptualization. 6:136-170.
- Power in the Classroom IV: Alternatives to Discipline. 8:724-746.
- Relationships Among Teacher Communication Style, Trait and State Communication Apprehension and Teacher Effectiveness. 4:533-551.
- The Relationship Between Selected Immediacy Behaviors and Cognitive Learning. 10:574-590.