selected publications
- Agonist-Induced Serotonin 2A Receptor Desensitization in the Rat Frontal Cortex and Hypothalamus.. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 09:1043-1050. 2004
- Limbic Pallidal Adaptations following Long-Term Cessation of Dopaminergic Transmission: Lack of Upregulation of Dopamine Receptor Function.. Experimental Neurology. 86. 2004
- 6-Hydroxydopamine-induced Lesions of Dopaminergic Neurons Alter the Function of Post-Synaptic Cholinergic Neurons without Changing Cytoskeletal Proteins.. Experimental Neurology. 168:135-143. 2001
- Effects of Crus Cerebri Lesions and Repeated Amphetamine Treatment on the Activity of Nigral Dopaminergic Neurons.. Synapse. 38:80-86. 2000
- Effects of Serotonergic 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B Ligands on Ventral Pallidal Neuronal Activity.. NeuroReport. 11:2849-2853. 2000
- The Antinociception Produced by Microinjection of a Cholinergic Agonist in the Ventromedial Medulla is Mediated by Noradrenergic Neurons in the A7 Catecholamine Cell Group.. Brain Research. 822:1-7. 1999
- Localization of Motor- and Nonmotor-related Neurons within the Matrix-Striosome Organization of Rat Striatum.. Brain Research. 707:221-227. 1996
- Partial and Full Dopamine D1 Agonists Produce Comparable Increases in Ventral Pallidal Neuronal Activity: Contribution of Endogenous Dopamine.. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 273:516. 1995
- A Methodology for Determining the Patch-Matrix Compartmental Location of Extracellular Single-Unit Recordings in the Striatum of Freely Moving Rats.. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 52:169-174. 1994
- A Simple Micromanipulator for Multiple Uses in Freely Moving Rats: Electrophysiology, Voltammetry, and Simultaneous Intracerebral Infusions.. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 47:53-59. 1993
- Serotonergic Dorsal Raphe Neurons: Changes in Spontaneous Neuronal Activity and Responsiveness to 5-MeODMT following Long-Term Amphetemine Administration.. Neuroscience Letters. 103:81-86. 1989
- Serotonergic Dorsal Raphe Neurons: Subsensitivity to Amphetemine with Long-Term Treatment.. Neuropharmacology. 26:719-724. 1987
thesis or dissertation