selected publications
- Affordances and inertial constraints on tool use.. Ecological Psychology. 13:173-195.
- Attunement, calibration, and exploration in fast haptic perceptual learning.. Journal of Motor Behavior. 33:323-327.
- Chosen striking location and the user-tool-environment system.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 10:267-280.
- Does length sound like what length feels like?
- Explanatory burdens and natural law: invoking a field description of perception-action.. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 24:905-906.
- Feeling and seeing to avoid tripping.
- Haptically creating affordances: The user-tool interface.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 9:175-186.
- Hearing where we look: information-based regulation between perceptual systems.
- How heavey? does not depend on which hand.
- Human factors implications of controlling user-tool-environment interfaces.
- Implications of dynamic touch for human factors/ergonomics: Contributions from ecological psychology.
- Nested reciprocities: The organism-environment system in perception-action and development.. Developmental Psychobiology. 42:317-334.
- Perceived arm posture and remote haptic perception of whether an object can be stepped over.. Journal of Motor Behavior. 37:339-342.
- Perceiving affordances for aperture crossing for the person-plus-object system.. Ecological Psychology. 17:105-130.
- Perceptual behavior: Recurrence analysis of an exploratory procedure.. Perception. 33:481-510.
- Perceptual learning: An evaluation of attunement and calibration.
- Symmetry for the sake of symmetry or symmetry for the sake of behavior?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 25:423-424.
- The womb and the skin as false boundaries in perception-action and development: A response.. Developmental Psychobiology. 42:362-367.
- What is the sound of one rod dropping?.
unclassified publications