selected publications
- The First Amendment and the doctrine of corporate personhood: Collapsing the press-corporation distinction.. Journalism. 2:255-278. 2001
- Broadcast Education Curricula in 2-Year and 4-Year Colleges.. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 54:4-15. 1999
- Critical Hermeneutics and American Legal Interpretation: a search for the meaning of New York Times vs. Sullivan.. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. 4:173. 1999
- Merging law and ethics: Discourse legal theory and freedom of expression in Hurley.. Communication Law and Policy. 4:403-430. 1999
- Doing Public Journalism, by Arthur Charity. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. 73:482-483. 1996
- Separating the press and the public.. Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 10:197-209. 1995
- Preventing workplace violence: a practical guide for employers.. Berkeley, California: Continuing Education of the Bar -- California. 1997
- Freeing the First Amendment: critical perspectives on freedom of expression.. New York: New York University Press. 1995
- The institutional press and professionalization: Defining the press clause in Journalist's Privelege cases.
thesis or dissertation
unclassified publications