selected publications
- Andrew Jackson, the In-Between President.. American Childhood. 43:12-3. 1958
- Children's Pictured Tensions.. American Childhood. 43:26-7. 1958
- Desert in the U.S.A.. American Childhood. 43:12-4. 1958
- Early American.. American Childhood. 43:22-4. 1958
- Honeybee.. American Childhood. 43:28-30. 1958
- Irrigation.. American Childhood. 43:34-6. 1958
- Understanding the Mentally Retarded Child.. American Childhood. 43:24-6. 1958
- Interpreting Spring to the Slow Learner.. American Childhood. 41:8-11. 1957
- Our National Anthem.. American Childhood. 42,:4-6. 1957
- Quakers and Longhouse Indians.. American Childhood. 43:12-4. 1957
- School Safety.. American Childhood. 42:24-6. 1957
- Westward Ho!. American Childhood. 41:24+. 1957
- Building an Aquarium.. American Childhood. 42:18-22. 1956
- Children of the Philippenes.. American Childhood. 41:41. 1956
- Designs From Indian Signs and Symbols.. American Childhood. 41:14-7. 1956
- First Snow of the Season.. American Childhood. 41:10-1. 1956
- Making Friends.. American Childhood. 41:4-6. 1956
- North American Indian's Food.. American Childhood. 41:10-2. 1956
- Our Flag.. American Childhood. 41:20-2. 1956
- Penguin.. Grade Teacher. 73,:19+. 1956
- Stimulating the Slow Learner; Teaching the Slow-Learner About the Means of Transportation of the Early North American Indian.. American Childhood. 41,:16-8. 1956
- Thanksgiving Activity.. American Childhood. 41:24-6. 1956
- Vacation Activities at the Beach.. American Childhood. 41:16-7. 1956
- Wampum Meant More Than Money.. American Childhood. 41:0-1. 1956
- Butterflies.. American Childhood. 40:21. 1955
- Communication, T.V., and Mike.. American Childhood. 41,:10-2. 1955
- Cotton; Nature Study with Creative Activities.. American Childhood. 41,:28-9. 1955
- For Slow Learners: Field Trips Require Careful Plans.. Instuctor. 64,:42+. 1955
- Science for the Slow Learners; Rain Made to Order at School.. Instructor. 65,:64. 1955
- Emotional Release Through Clay Modeling.. American Childhood. 40:16-8. 1954
- Teaching Slow Learners the How and Why of Tooth Care.. Instructor. 63:38. 1954
- Teaching the Slow Learner About Our Postal Service.. Instructor. 64:49. 1954
- Tray Covers and Favors.. American Childhood. 39:8-9. 1954
- Social and Emotional Growth Through Creative Painting.. American Childhood. 38,:18-21. 1953
- Emotional Release Through Creative Painting for the Mentally Retarded.. American Childhood. 37:10-2. 1952
- Air Around Us.. Instructor. 61:32. 1951
- Teaching the Educable Mentally Retarded, Practical Methods. 64
- The Garton's From New Jersey, With Some Allied Lines.. Danvers, IL: Garton. 1972
- Teaching the Educable Mentally Retarded; Practical Methods.. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas. 1961
- A Study of the Distribution of Sentence Structures in the Oral Language of First and Second Grade Children.. n.p.. 1946