selected publications
- Chromosome numbers of Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) from Africa south of the Sahara.. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 65:195-208. 1982
- SEM survey of pollen morphology and classification in Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf family).. American Journal of Botany. 69:40-53. 1982
- Contribution of pollen morphology to systematics of Collomia (Polemoniaceae).. American Journal of Botany. 65:450-458. 1978
- Chromosome number, polyploidy, and hybridization in Castilleja (Scrophulariaceae) of the Great Basin and Rocky Moutains.. Brittonia. 29:159-172. 1977
- Seed coat morphology in Cordylanthus (Scrophylariaceae) and its taxonomic signifigance.. American Journal of Botany. 59:258-265. 1972
- Chromosome numbers in Umbelliferae. IV.. American Journal of Botany. 58:557-587. 1971
- Observations on root-parasitism in Cordylanthus (Scrophulariaceae).. American Journal of Botany. 58:218-228. 1971
- Chromosome numbers of the vascular plants of Taiwan. I.. Taiwania. 8:51. 1962
- A systematic anatomical study of the Genus Perideridia (Umbelliferae-Apioideae).. American Journal of Botany. 57:495-503.
- Chromosome numbers and their systematic significance in some Mexican Melastomataceae.. Systematic Botany. 17:583-593.
- Chromosome numbers in Umbelliferae. V.. American Journal of Botany. 63:608-625.
- Chromosome numbers of New World Acanthaceae. Systematic Botany. 18:283-289.
- Flavonoid systematics of the genus Perideridia (Umbelliferae).. Brittonia. 28:177-194.
- Morphology, evolution, and taxonomic significance of the inflorescence in Cordylanthus (Scrophulariaceae).. American Journal of Botany. 63:272-282.
- Systematic and evolution of Cordylanthus (Scrophulariaceae-Pedicularieae).. Ann Arbor, MI: American Society of Plant Taxonomists. 1986
- A systematic study of Perideridia (Umbelliferae-apioideae).. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.. 1969
- Umbelliferae of Taiwan.. Taiwan, China: Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University. 1961
thesis or dissertation