selected publications
- Preparing for Bioanthropological Research After Repatriation: Documenting Native American Human Remains in the Illinois State Museum Collection.. BAR international. series:249-256. 934
- Early Holocene Domestic Dog Burials from the North American Midwest.. Current Anthropology. 33:224-229. 1992
- Cultural resources overview study of the Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish Refuges: Cameron-Billsbach, Chautauqua, Emiquon and Meredosia Wildlife Refuges, Mason, Cass, Fulton, Marshall and Morgan Counties, Illinois.. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Museum. 2002
- Dating of prehistoric earthquake liquefaction in southeastern and central Illinois.. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Museum Society, Quaternary Studies. 1997
- Distribution and dating of prehistoric earthquake liquefaction in southeastern Illinois, central U.S... Springfield, IL: Illinois State Museum, Research and Collections Ce. 1993
- Cultural resources report for the Martinsville alternative site.. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Museum. 1988
- Woodland period occupations of the Napoleon Hollow site in the lower Illinois valley.. Kampsville, IL: Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Archeol. 1986
- Limited archeological investigations at Monks Mound (11-MS-38): some perspectives on its stability, structure, and age.. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Historic Preservation Office. 1984
- An archaeological survey for the Freeman United Coal Mining Company: Fulton, McDonough, Perry and Jackson Counties, Illinois.. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Museum Society, Archaeological Rese. 1983
- Archaeological investigations at the Marseilles Training Center: the development of a predictive model of site location.. Springfield, IL: The Society. 1983
- Modal Sorting, A Technique for Classifying Projectile Points.. Normal. 1977
thesis or dissertation
unclassified publications