selected publications
- Effects of nitrogen addition on the invasive grass Phragmites australis and a native competitor Spartina pectinata.. Journal of Applied Ecology. 41:888-896. 2004
- Seasonal Variation in Photosynthetic Rates Influences Success of an Invasive Plant, Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata).. The American Midland Naturalist. 150:231-245. 2003
- Effects of Jack Pine Plantation Management on Barrens Flora and Potential Kirtland's Warbler Nest Habitat.. Restoration Ecology. 10:27-36. 2002
- Effect of Garlic Mustartd [Alliaria petiolata (Beib. Cavara & Grande)] Extracts on Plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi.. American Midland Naturalist. 146:146-152. 2001
- High white-tailed deer density has negative impact on tallgrass prairie forbs.. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 128:381. 2001
- Historic Vegetation of the Nature Conservancy's Chinquipin Reserve, Woodford Country, Central Illinois.. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 93:185. 2000
- Micro-Scale Restoration: A 25-Year History of a Southern Illinois Barrens.. Restoration Ecology. 8:296-306. 2000
- Growth and photosynthetic response of first-year garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) to varied irradiance.. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 126:9. 1999
- The once and future forest, by Leslie Sauer.. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 74:98. 1999
- Beyond the Ark, by William W. Weeks.. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 73:375-376. 1998
- Effects on fire on sandhill herbs: Nutrients, Mycorrhizae, and biomass allocation.. American Journal of Botany. 84:938. 1997
- Forest management issues.. Bioscience. 46:697. 1996
- Growth of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in Native Soils of Different Acidity.. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 88:91. 1995
- Plant Growth Inhibition by Soluble Salts in Sewage Sludge-Amended Mine Spoils.. Journal of environmental quality. 24:627. 1995
- Height of white-flowered trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) as an index of deer browsing intensity.. Ecological application: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 4:104-109. 1994
- Growth dynamics and associated mycorrhizal fungi of little bluestem grass [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash] on burned and unburned sand prairies.. The New phytologist. 123:77. 1993
- Influence of topography on stand composition in a midwestern ravine forest.. The American Midland Naturalist. 130:1-12. 1993
- Mycorrhizae in Prairie Restoration: Response of Three Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Populations to Mycorrhizal Inoculum from a Single Source.. Restoration ecology: the journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration. 1:83. 1993
- Recovery of browse-sensitive tree species following release from white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus.. Biological Conservation. 63:203-208. 1993
- Allen -- the Ecology of Mycorrhizae.. Ecology. 73:1519. 1992
- Long-term effects of soil fumigation and inorganic nutrient addition on the rhizoplane mycoflora of little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).. Mycologia. 84:843-848. 1992
- The ecology of mycorrhizae, by Michael F. Allen.. Ecology. 73:1519. 1992
- Unraveling the Enigma of Mycorrhizae for Ecologists -- The Ecology of Mycorrhizae (Cambridge Studies in Ecology) by Michael F. Allen.. Ecology. 73:1519. 1992
- Savanna Concepts Revisited.. Bioscience. 41:371. 1991
- Growth of little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) (Poaceae) in fumigated and nonfumigated soils under various inorganic nutrient conditions.. American Journal of Botany. 76:95-104. 1989
- Numbers and biomass of selected insect groups on burned and unburned sand prairie.. The American Midland Naturalist. 122:151-162. 1989
- Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal ecology of little bluestem across a prairie-forest gradient.. Canadian Journal of Botany. 67:2678-2685. 1989
- Effect of fire on the mycorrhizal ecology of bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).. Canadian Journal of Botany. 66:706-713. 1988
- Effects of soil moisture and soil sterilization on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization and growth of little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).. Canadian Journal of Botany. 66:757-761. 1988
- Aspects of the mycorrhizal ecology of prairie dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis (Poaceae).. American Journal of Botany. 74:564-573. 1987
- Variation in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal relationships of two sand prairie species.. The American Midland Naturalist. 118:56-63. 1987
- Stability and instability in plant communities following fire.. American Journal of Botany. 73:364-368. 1986
- The seed bank of a tallgrass prairie in Illinois.. The American Midland Naturalist. 115:123-130. 1986
- Aspects of the germination ecology and biomass producation of eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.).. Botanical Gazette. 146:353-364. 1985
- Ecological interaction of little bluestem and vesicular-arbuscular mychorrhizal fungi.. Canadian Journal of Botany. 62:2272-2277. 1984
- Breeding system and pollination ecology of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae).. American Journal of Botan. 70:308-415. 1983
- Comparative Effects of Fire on Trees in a Midwestern Savannah and an Adjacent Forest.. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 110:87-90. 1983
- Factors related to the distribution of prairie plants along a moisture gradient.. The American Midland Naturalist. 109:367-375. 1983
- Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza fragments as a means of endophyte identification at hydrophytic sites.. Mycologia. 75:169-171. 1983
- An Inverse Relationship between Dominance and Habitat Breadth of Trees in Illinois Forests.. American Midland Naturalist. 107:192-195. 1982
- Phenological Patterns Among Tallgrass Prairie Plants and Their Implications for Mollinator Competition.. American Midland Naturalist. 104:253-263. 1980
- Presettlement Vegetation of Two Prairie Peninsula Counties.. Botanical Gazette. 140:232-240. 1979
- Species Response to a Moisture Gradient in Central Illinois Forests.. American Journal of Botany. 67:855-861. 1979
- Aspects of the Biology of Trientalis Borealis Raf.. Ecology. 54:798-808. 1973
- The Role of Daylength and Temperature in Tuber Formation and Rhizome Growth of Trientalis borealis Raf.. Botanical Gazette. 131:122-128. 1970
- Savannas, barrens, and rock outcrop plant communities of North America.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1999
thesis or dissertation
unclassified publications