selected publications
- Give and Take, Economics Achievement, and Basic Skills Development. The Journal of Economic Education. 16:99-110.
- Basic economics test: examiner's manual. New York, NY: Joint Council on Economic Education. 1981
- Selected cost-size relationships of high school districts having one attendance center in Illinois. Normal: Center for the Study of Educational Finance, Dept.. 1979
- Final Report for Personnel Performance Evaluation Institute. Springfield: Illinois State Library. 1978
- Innovation at Illinois State University, 1972-73. Normal, Ill.: Illinois State University.
thesis or dissertation
- A study of the importance of instructional leadership behavior of principals
- Administrative uses of microcomputers in academic departments of community colleges
- Affirmative action implementation in Illinois public state universities
- An analysis of the relationship between education and both earnings and job prestige
- Building administrator participation in special education a factor in special education teacher job satisfaction
- Differences between persisters and dropouts in a private industrial technology school in Thailand
- Due PRocess and the Board of Education-School Administrator Relationship
- Education relationships with job satisfaction and organization commitment
- Effects of compensatory programming and desegregation on student achievement in urban schools
- Factors affecting undergraduates' academic performance and satisfaction a causal model
- Illinois superintendents' perceptions regarding the allocation of fiscal resources for instruction
- Medical self-insurance in Illinois public school districts
- Perceptions of the role of the professional association in the development of the principal as instructional leader
- Predictor Selection Rules in Multivariate Situations: A Monte Carlo Study
- School business management functions perceptions of Illinois public school superintendents and board presidents
- Selected factors and their relationship to self-concept of Illinois high school students
- The need for master's-prepared nurses in Illinois
- The relationship between academic achievement of university students and selected attitudinal, behavioral, and environmental characteristics
- The relationship of selected factors to the first semester college achievement at Philippine university