selected publications
- Interviewing as an Auditing Tool.. CPA Journal. 75:34-38. 2005
- Sarbanes-Oxley: What It Means to the Marketplace.. Journal of Accountancy. 197:43-47. 2004
- Using the Financial Accounting Research System to Develop a Professional Research Competancy in Intermediate Financial Accounting.. Advances in Accounting Education. 6:vances in. 2004
- Work Values at Caterpillar: A Process.. Organizational Dynamics. 32:405-414. 2003
- Internal Reflection.. Internal Auditor. 59:56-63. 2002
- The Fair Credit Reporting Act: Time to Mind the Details.. Internal Auditor. 58:50-55. 2001
- Accounting.. CPA Journal. 70:69. 2000
- Quality Financial Reporting: Back to the Basics.. CPA Journal. 70:69-71. 2000
- The CPA as Sleuth: Working the Fraud Beat.. Journal of Accountancy. 187:20-23. 1999
- The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations.. CPA Journal. 69:26-31. 1999
- A Comparative Study of the Teaching Effectiveness for Three Groups of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Accounting.. The Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant. Developmen:33-44. 1998-1999
- Fraud Hotlines [Corporate Experiences].. The Internal Auditor. 51:36-42. 1994
- Fraud Hotlines.. Internal Auditor. 51:36-42. 1994
- Practitioners Forum.. Journal of Accountancy. 174:97-100. 1992
- The 150-Hour Requirement: The Practitioners' Viewpoint.. Journal of Accountancy. 174:97-100. 1992
- A Different Approach to Serving Clients.. Journal of Accountancy. 169:53-60. 1990
- Computer Fraud Auditing: It Works.. The Internal Auditor. 47:26-31+. 1990
- Computer Fraud Auditing: It Works.. Internal. Auditor:ternal Aud. 1990
- Review of Financial Accounting, by Leroy F. Imdieke and Ralph E. Smith.. Issues in Accounting Education. 3:454. 1988
- Tax Exempt Organizations: How to Avoid Private Foundation Status.. National Public Accountant. 25:24. 1985
- The Leading Contributors to Accountancy.. The Accounting Historians. Notebook:7-11. 1983
- A Comparative Study of the Instructional Development of Two Groups of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Accounting. In Teaching Graduate Students to Teach: Engaging the Disciplines, edited by Thomas A. Heenan, 175-178.
- Business Perspective: The 150-Hour Requirement.
- Faculty Roles, Goal Congruence, and Reward Systems in Accounting Departments.
- Faculty, Chairpersons, and Deans' Perceptions of Teaching, Research, and Servie in the 150-Hour States Versus the Non-150-Hour States.
- How are Internal Auditing Departments Dealing with IIA Standard No. 3 and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations?
- Teaching, Research, and Service in Accounting Faculty Reward Systems: What's Changing?
- Teaching, Research, and Service: Reward Structures in the 150-Hour States Versus the Non-150-Hour States.
thesis or dissertation